⚙️ IFRAME support - Allow to embed <iFrames>

💪 Added

An "IFRAME" or "HTML" helper that allows embedding IFrames

Most webtools, including many other LTD tools allow to create iframes and embed them in other places, so this would make Boei instantly compatible with 1000's of these other webtools. (it would also allow Ruben in future to see which tool iframes people would use the most, and allow Boei to be marketed as being compatible with them, possibly reaching/attracting more future customers)

It would be a great addition to the "Other" helper types, and make it possible to add videos (Youtube or google drive videos)
Knowledgebases , Embeding Notion pages, terms and conditions from platforms like Iubenda, calculators, other/third party contact forms) and much much more.

For example:
For my particular use case, I would like to use feedback forms from Feedier (which you can place anywhere because you can create iFrames from them) in place of Boei feedback, because I already use it and since it's a feedback-oriented product it naturally has many more features and allows me much more power. The best of all is that it will allows me to keep my feedback form consistent throughout my website and the biggest advantage of all, it will allow me to gather all the results in the same location/platform.

Boei is already quite versatile, this seems to just make sense!


3 years ago

Ruben changed status to 💪 Added

2 years ago


You can now load a HTML page within Boei using an iframe. You can use this to display your product roadmap for example.

1    2 years ago    Reply

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1    2 years ago    Reply

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Jack S.

Great. 👍

This would allow various other tools to be embedded.

0    3 years ago    Reply

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LOFTI Agency

This can be helpful to add a chatbot that is not included in Boei supported widget. Great ideao (I want to add Botsifyor conversioBot chatbots)

1    3 years ago    Reply

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Yeah it would basically allow to add a ton of existing web tools immediately making boei compatible with all of them :)!

1    3 years ago    Reply

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Ruben changed status to 👍 Gathering votes

3 years ago