If only one Helper is setup, the Boei button press should automatically open said helper.
It does not make sense to require two button presses from users (it is redundant), for example for when Boei is used to setup a messenger chat such as Facebook Messenger or Jivochat
1 year ago
upvoted these. will be very efficienct if this applied to conversion. in some region, theres very large amount users of whatsapp, rather than other communication platforms. this also make boei is broaden the market size for web dev that just need one button at a time
1 2 years ago Reply
I'll add that we want to jump to a specific Helper, regardless of whether just one.
E.g. a custom HTML code that opens up the Contact Form, even if there's an Instagram Helper as well
1 2 years ago Reply
3 years ago
Thanks for your idea.
Boei has been created to allow visitors to select the contact method they like, instead of forcing it on them.
So, based on that thought - I think there will be limited occasions where only 1 helper is added.
Do you agree?
0 3 years ago Reply
That is a very good point and I did consider that.
However (In some use cases I have) Boei can also be used for the multiple advantages that it offers:
One can easily setup multiple sites/businesses, overview them and change the available chats whenever necessary from the same location.
One can easily customize a chat button to fit their store/brand.
Business hours
Hiding on pages
Customizeable Calls to action
These are things (Other than allowing customers to choose multiple contact options) that many of these other buttons/chats don't offer, and that make it advantageous to use Boei.
So for starting some of my smaller stores I would love to use Boei as a gateway to just Jivochat or FB Messenger, so it would be awesome if the click of the Boei button would just automatically default to open the only helper that exists (since there are no more options for these, it wouldn't have to require two clicks from the user which is increased friction and naturally decreases conversions)
0 3 years ago Reply
@Jcmatoskx: Ok clear, can understand that 😀 Boei is getting much more!
Let me add it to the voting page and see what other users think about it!
1 3 years ago Reply