Call Me Back Widget: Choose a πŸ“…date and ⌚time.

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Jack S.

2 years ago


What happens when you are not available at that time? If you want to do this well, you need calendar integration. What do you think?

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Jack S.
  1. It would be nice to limit the days and times that you can book.

  2. Calendar, integration is a good addition. However, if the teams are multi-person, it may be possible to book or exclude 1 or more calls at the same time.

0    2 years ago    Reply

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Ruben changed status to πŸ‘ Gathering votes

2 years ago


Thanks for your idea! This is added to Boei’s wish list. New integrations and features are being planned and built from that wishlist. We will look at the number of votes an idea has and prioritize based on that. You will get automatic emails to keep up to date about the progress πŸ˜€

0    2 years ago    Reply

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