Book Like a Boss integration

💪 Added

Book Like a Boss is a scheduling app. Request that Boei can have a helper that opens the scheduling page.

(Prefer not to redirect to schedule page but directly open popup of calendar to book within chatbot area. Might be possible to add using the embed script generated by book like a boss)


3 years ago

Niraj Kumar

I will suggest you to add HTML embed widget to embed BLAB as it provides html /js code to embed on html page. This way it also works in mobile once opened.

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Ruben changed status to 💪 Added

3 years ago


Book Like a Boss (BLaB) is a scheduling app to book appointments. Boei can now work together with BLaB. Boei is simply opening your scheduling page in BLaB 💪

0    3 years ago    Reply

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I have chosen for the direct link instead of opening BLaB inside a widget. This is because:

  • Opening BLaB inside Boei would require preloading (delaying Boei) or shows a loader when the users clicks the BLaB helper
  • The widget would be quite big, so on mobile it will be full page.

Please let me know what you think.

0    3 years ago    Reply

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Ruben changed status to 🛠 Roadmap

3 years ago


Thanks for your votes! This idea is now moved to the roadmap 🥳 Expected for January.

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Niraj Kumar

Great, I love this. ❤️

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Ruben changed status to 👍 Gathering votes

3 years ago

3 votes