Activating different actions/stages on different pages

💪 Added

if i use something like chatbots, i can use something like external links to start conversations from a pre-defined point:

i hope this can be setup using boei so that we can:

  1. have different videos on different pages (if Warm Welcome integration is possible)
  2. start comversations at different points based on the webpage user is on (for chatbots like botstar)
  3. activate different channels based on where the user is at (eg, if user is on homepage, chat channels options are activated. if user is on blogpost, feedback form and chat channels options are activated)
Callie Qyu

4 years ago


It is now possible to activate different widgets per page, this is very flexible to for example allow different channels for blogposts compared to the homepage.
See this article:

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Ruben changed status to 💪 Added

10 months ago

Ruben changed status to 👍 Gathering votes

4 years ago


Thanks for your idea! I think this is an interesting thought and I can see the options for it. I have added it to Boei’s wishlist. New integrations and features are being planned and built from that wishlist. I will look at the number of votes an idea have and prioritize based on that. You will get automatic emails to keep up to date about the progress 😀

0    4 years ago    Reply

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